Essential Flight Checklist: 7 Must-Do’s Before You Fly
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5 Crucial Business Lessons from Ellana’s Ex-COO and Pont Consultancy Founder
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Prestone tips to warming up your car the right way
Amid the ‘new normal,’ most car owners use their vehicles less frequently. Except for frontline workers, the public is encouraged to go out only when necessary to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Despite this,...
Travel Tips : What to Pack
One of the things I miss the most is being able to travel. Before the pandemic traveling was a way for me to relieve stress, fatigue, and frustration. It is also a way for...
Quote for the Day
I just want to share my 2 cents about this .... For me this may be true but only at a certain point.
If the reason behind your hesitation is more on because you don't...
Quaranthings to do in the time of ECQ
The saying “so much to do, so little time” was once a cliché we could all relate to. But these days, such seems to be inapplicable, for most of us are at home due...
DIY home repair with KYK Tools
March 10 is an important day because it is the day "the world stood still" - when everyone around the world acknowledged COVID-19 as a pandemic and nations went on different levels of quarantine/lockdown.